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The Global Glitter Monthly Linkup!

Hello, Global Educators and Global Glitter Tribe members! It's Myranda from Keep Calm and Teach 5th Grade here, one of the administrators of the Global Glitter Tribe! 

I want to take a minute to share with you the Global Glitter Monthly Linky party. I think we all know that teacher bloggers LOVE a good linky! We love graphics too! So, I combined the love for graphics with a love for linkys and created the FIRST Global Glitter linkup!

This linkup is going to go live NEXT FRIDAY, September 18th! For now, I want to get you acquainted with what our link up is all about so you're prepared to come join us for the first ever live and official link up! 

The linkup topics are going to vary each month! 
They're topics that are going to require some thought and preparation so I want to give you the images ahead of time so that you can curate your content for your post. 

The linkys will always go live mid-month and you'll be able to add to the link up until the
 next month's linky goes live! This way, there will always be an active linky up on the 
Global Glitter blog for you to join!!

Here's our first linky topic and graphic-

To Participate:
1. Save the image below
2. Open it in PPT or some other image editing software and type or add pictures of your responses
3. Blog about it on your blog
4. Share the Global Glitter Logo and link back to the original post from us
5. Add your link to the InLinkz linkup at the end of the post!

I think the topics for the month are pretty self-explanatory but please don't hesitate to 
ask us a question if you're uncertain! 
We're really looking forward to linking up and getting to know all of our tribe members better!!

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